
I have long believed that the web is cursed if we keep using attention as the core monetization metric. This race is what brought us information overload, clickbait, endless slideshows and fake news…

Today though, we’re seeing a shift as people are (rightfully) trying to take back their time. Simultaneously, more than ever, the ad supported web is being challenged and many creators, both big (Netflix, Spotify, New York Times, Washington Post…) and small (though Medium, Patreon or Substack…) are moving to revenue streams from their consumers, rather than from hypothetical benevolent advertisers.

Unlock, a company I founded is building a protocol for memberships so we can we build a web-scale approach to memberships which works for creators and consumers who want convenience over anything else.


Here is a list of current benefits, but please, expect for me to add more!

  • Full access to all content on this blog
  • More soon!
  • ...

I will write as often as possible, what I believe to be unique content and a good representation of my current thinking!

How to get a membership

First, you need to .

Technical details

Getting a membership means that you will receive a subscription NFT for the contract located at 0xba6beb73cdaec34957290cb7e3522187f8382b55 on the Base network. You can inspect the contract using Block Explorer.

This contract is an Unlock Protocol lock and anyone can deploy their own contract pretty easily!

The lock smart contract guarantees that you can cancel at any time and get a pro-rated refund (but please reach out directly to me if you want a full refund).

More importantly, if the price is too high for you, please do reach out as well and I’ll grant you a key for free.

© 2024